By: Angela Tsai
In this month’s ILT seminar, I shared my experiences with helping students overcome learning barriers by using existing revision MCQs as a primary resource.
By: Anton de Bruyn
ILT is excited to host its annual half-year symposium, Learn Do Share: Canvas Plus.
This September, we’ll be looking to the future! Staff from across the University will be joining us to share how they’ve taken Canvas, the University’s Learning Management System, to the next level in blending pedagogy and technology.
By: Tessa Owens
Embedding employability skills into academic curricula is a key concern for universities and tertiary education institutions today.
This topic was the focus of a University of Auckland Business School (UABS) workshop on the 12th June entitled ‘University and beyond: embedding employability and life into the curriculum’ run by Professor Susan Geertshuis, Narissa Lewis, and Patricia Hubbard.
By Nabeel Albashiry and Anton de Bruyn
Course renewal is the process of reviewing and making small tweaks to a course to improve learning and teaching. This process is usually informed by the students’ feedback from the course SET report, the course analytics from Canvas, or the teachers’ personal reflections on what could be improved for the next course offering.
By Anton de Bruyn
The theme for this year’s Teaching Forum was ‘Think BIG.. start small.’
Innovative teaching is sometimes too big a problem to tackle easily so the focus of this year’s symposium was on adopting small changes to teaching practice designed to have a big impact on learning outcomes for students.
By: Rhiannon Lloyd
The pressure on universities to move content online has initiated conversation about the purpose and value of the lecture theatre as a teaching ‘space’. Central to the defence of the lecture theatre is its social nature; students physically gather together to learn from, and with, one another, as a collective.
By: Anton de Bruyn
Innovative teaching can sometimes feel like too big a problem to tackle easily. In this year’s Teaching Forum, colleagues from the University of Auckland will be discussing learning and teaching initiatives that reveal how small changes in teaching can make a big difference to students’ experience and learning.