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Formative evaluation provides information on the effectiveness of your teaching. Formative evaluation can be directed at the student learning experience as a whole (levels of satisfaction, engagement and provided support) or a particular aspect of teaching and learning (the formative evaluation of a new teaching resource). Formative evaluation is geared towards professional development and improvement.
The most important thing to do when managing a formative evaluation is to respond to the positive and negative feedback presented, regardless of whether changes can be made. Students appreciate having their feedback taken seriously, even if the desired outcome is not possible. They will often reflect a more positive response to the course in summative evaluations if any concerns are discussed as a class early in the semester. Use the following templates and guides for your own formative evaluations.
Printable forms
5 Item Fast Forward Feedback Form
12 Item Fast Forward Feedback Form |
Automated forms
Fast feedback form – Instructions for Qualtrics
Fast feedback form – Instructions for Google Forms |
- Log into Canvas and click on “Commons”
- In the search box, type in “formative evaluation.” The top two results will be resources published by Innovative Learning and Teaching in the Business School. One resource is a course evaluation and one is a teaching evaluation (both using questions from SET)
- Click on the option you’d like (either course or teaching)
- On the right, select the course(s) you’d like to import this quiz into. Note: If you teach the same course across multiple semesters, it’d be useful to nickname your course on the Dashboard first
- Go into your course and the evaluation survey will be available under “Quizzes”
- The imported quiz will be published by default – you will need to unpublish the quiz, add a description and a due date to the survey, then publish it again.
- In the teaching evaluation quiz, you will need to unpublish the quiz, click on edit and change the highlighted areas under both “Details” and “Questions” to the name of the lecturer/teacher/tutor/GTA. Don’t forget to re-publish afterwards.