Teaching Forum 2018 videos

This year’s Teaching Forum attracted staff from across the University to hear more about, and explore further the new embedded graduate profile.

2017 saw Faculties develop embedded graduate profiles for each of their qualifications. This year, all disciplines across the University will address the six institutional themes and work towards embedding agreed capabilities into their curricula.

As teaching staff will be instrumental in helping students develop their capabilities through the University’s courses, we fundamentally explored two key questions, “What does the new Graduate Profile mean for my course?” and “What do I do to teach to the new Profile?”

See below for links to each of the sessions videoed at the event:

ILT will also be facilitating a number of seminars throughout 2018 to introduce key resources for staff during this implementation period.

Our schedule of seminars for the first half of this year are:

DateTime and locationTheme
26 April1-2pm. Room 325, OGGBWhat do your students need to learn? Find your place in a programme that delivers 'future ready' grads
17 May1-2pm. Room 325, OGGBMaking the value of your course clear - writing learning outcomes and course outlines
7 June1-2pm. Room 325, OGGBDiscovering the pot of gold - assessments that demonstrate capabilities whilst facilitating learning and engagement
21 June1-2pm. Room 325, OGGBThe high impact course - deliberate learning and teaching to build students' capabilities




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